When we say Burgers is a clown, erase any mental image of a painted white face, a honking red nose, and an orange wig straight out of a circus (or a nightmare). His clowning isn’t the slapstick of carnival chaos—it’s theatrical, European, and the kind of craft its performers earnestly call “work,” even though the essence of it is play. It’s an art that balances the absurd with the profound, the serious with the silly. And yet, when you see Burgers in person—his wild frizz of hair escaping from beneath a well-worn ball cap, his boldly patterned shirt, his shorts paired with dark socks, and an energy that hums somewhere between laid-back and buzzing—there’s an undeniable, delightful clownishness about him.
To celebrate his return to the stage, Doctor Brown presents a special late-night performance of his classic award-winning show.‘
A stunning mix of anarchy and symmetry’ ★★★★ Times
This totally silent show full of ‘superbly constructed, slow-burning routines, and a killer finale’ (Time Out) took the comedy world by storm in 2012.
Winner | Total Theatre Award for Innovation 2012
Best Show | Edinburgh Comedy Awards 2012
Best Show | Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2012