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Anni Clark (Americana, Singer Songwriter)

Ticket Prices: $18 ADV | $22 DOS
In The Annex
Maine native Anni Clark traveled full-time for 23 years with her 6 and 12-string guitars, her own songs, and her passion for connecting with audiences of all ages. With 7 albums and numerous songwriting, vocal, and performance awards under her belt, she chose to work with behaviorally challenged students for 12 years, retiring from the field of education in 2016. In November 2019, her video “I’m With You Greta” was screened at the International Environmental Film Festival in Barcelona Spain, and won “Best Folk Video” in the Music Video Portland ME Awards in January 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic dictated that her LIVE shows be put on hold, Anni went to work co-producing her first full studio album in 18 years. Titled “Will It Ever Be the Same”, the 12 tracks on her new album touch on themes of love, loss, transition, hope, social distance & the need to find closeness. Anni’s gift for spotting the silver lining even amidst chaos shines through on this new release. Blending folk, pop & blues to share her stories, Anni hits a home run sure to please longtime supporters & new fans alike. “Will It Ever Be the Same” can be purchased at below.

With this intensely personal latest release from Clark not only has she validated that there was a reason to continue her artistic journey but, that the world is a much better place with her music, humor, compassion, and insight not only into her world, but ours.
— Keith Smith,