


no upcoming auditions at this time

How to Audition

Do you want to know what to expect and the in’s and out’s of the audition process?  Here are some tips to help you prepare for your next audition,

Be familiar with the Audition Announcement. The Director appreciates if you research the show (and if possible, read it or at least become very familiar with it) before you audition. You should be prepared to list your upcoming conflicts when you get to the audition.

“Audition” Defined

In Community Theater, an AUDITION is a friendly invitation for singers, actors, or other volunteer performers to “try out” for the roles in a live stage show.

The Chocolate Church Art Center’s auditions are what are called “Open Auditions”.  “Open” means open to the public, but in community theatre, an open audition usually refers to auditions where actors are expected to come to ONE of the published days of Auditions and stay for a couple of hours.

What Happens at the Audition?

You will be asked to do a short preparation – scene/monologue you’re handed when you come to auditions and given a few minutes to look over. Sometimes to test chemistry we conduct Improvisation — acting without a script, making it up as you go along

    Dress in clothing that allows you to move and groove and avoid clothing/jewelry that draws attention away from YOU. Considering saving TIME filling out Audition paper-work – bring in a TYPED LIST of your past Experience and Training to staple to your audition form!

  • Directors ALWAYS Look for…
    Team Players — actors who listen and support their fellow actors

  • Poise & Personality — confident, relaxed and energetic actors

  • Good Diction & Projection — speaking loudly, clearly, and slowly enough to pronounce all the sounds in each word

  • Understanding — actors who “get” what they’re reading

  • Expression — an actor must share his/her feelings and emotions with the audience while reading, dancing or singing

  • Vulnerability — allowing your sensitive side to show

  • Whole-hearted Acting — using everything you’ve got — Face, Voice and entire Body

  • Flexibility — being able to make changes if asked

  • Dedication — Volunteers who can really commit to the show.

Rehearsal & Performance Schedules

  • Most shows rehearse 3 or 5 times a week in the evenings (6:00pm until 8:00pm or 8:30pm) The week prior to opening there may be rehearsals scheduled every day.

  • We always try to work around schedules as much as possible! If you would like to participate in a show then come to the audition. We can talk about your conflicts then and we will try to make it work.