Bowdoinham Guild of Artisans (2/2020)


Show Run: February 28th – March 31st
OPENING: February 28th at 5PM

The Bowdoinham Guild of Artisans is a collection of practicing artists and artisans who live and work in the Bowdoinham area.  The group started with five people in 2004 and has grown to a diverse membership of twenty which includes artists, photographers, potters, woodworkers, fiber artists, jewelers, and other artisans.  For over fifteen years, the group has hosted a Holiday Show and Sale at the Bowdoinham Town Hall during the first weekend in December.  This has become the anchor for a town-wide celebration of events kicking off the holiday season.  In recent years, the Guild has presented shows at the Merrymeeting Arts Center, participated in local art walks, and had a booth at the Celebrate Bowdoinham event.  Individual artists actively market their work through a variety of venues.

The current mission of the Bowdoinham Guild of Artisans is to support and encourage Bowdoinham artisans by providing a means for them to collaborate, exhibit, and sell their work and to foster the value of art and hand crafted works.

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